Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ingrid's Internet Tips

Http: hyper text transfer protocol, if you see an “s” after http, this means it is a secure site, such as bank, etc.

IP Address (Internet Protocol) – Language that computers use to communicate over the internet(Biniary)
Each and every computer has one in order to go on to the internet. Possible to be traced by hackers, and can identify where and what you are looking at! Your internet provider provides protection for you.

Domain Name : Maps text names to IP addresses automatically (text names vs. numerical IP address)

URL (Uniform Resource Locator): Address bar, brings you to the web site you want. Need to be specific or you will get an error message such as: “Cannot find Server”, “DNS error”, etc. Can direct you to a search engine if needed.

Search Engine: Google, Ask

Internet Suffixes: Com = commercial
Net = for profit
Org = organization
Edu = school, college, university
Gov = government organization
Mil = military

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